Can't Remember When I Wrote It...

I came across this quote. Thought it should go into the toybox.

"Five Beasts is a set of human portraits, men and women seen as if by an animal, the language a kind of music or noise, the gestures unaccountable. We are, most of us, lost in a forest of our own design, a welter of unconscious narratives, the pull of our complicated past, an obsessive constructor of futures, howling our troubled allegory of self: this is our masquerade-cum-delusion. But the animal informs and teaches us – if we listen. We are absurd and amazed, and sometimes beautiful, in our utter ignorance.I think my real interest "We are, most of us…utter ignorance."  

I think my real interest here is "We are, most of us...utter ignorance."

This is less about Five Beasts than it is about a fundamental truth. Sometimes the magic works.

-From the #toyboxmind

For a taste of Five Beasts, you can see the promo trailer by Mark DeChiazza.